
July 4, 2012

Today we celebrate freedom as a country. Every year on the 4th of July I am reminded that this holiday is about more than just fireworks and barbecues. Independence Day is more than just our nation’s birthday.

I am reminded that this wonderful day of family and summer fun is all about freedom. The word freedom is something that some of us as Americans take for granted. We see the word as something symbolic. The word brings images of Old Glory flapping in the wind with flashes of fireworks exploding in the background. But for many people around the world the word freedom is still just an idea. To people all across the globe the word freedom is a destination. It’s a place that they haven’t reached yet but work tirelessly to touch.

Freedom is  a place where a person is free to make their own choices and exercise their own will. It’s a place where one is safe from tyranny, a harsh taskmaster that forces a human to live in bondage. It’s a place where man can pursue a life of victory, happiness, success, peace and comfort.

On this day I like to take a moment to stir up a sense of gratitude for those who have gone before us to establish our freedom. I believe that when we remember the sacrifices that have been made we will be a people who are steadfast in protecting and fighting for those freedoms when they are under attack. We owe it to ourselves and the next generation to protect the precious gift of freedom. When we remember the past we ensure a brighter future. My prayer is that this reminder will stir up a sense of gratitude in you and that you will remind others about the sacrifices that have been made.

Today I am reminded of the work of George Washington and the men and women who fought in The Revolution. It was the sacrifices they made that overthrew a tyrannical king and defeated the greatest military empire of its day. They fought in the worst of conditions with limited supplies but their vision of freedom was so great they were willing to give up everything they had. Most of them did. Many of them gave their fortunes, their lives and their sacred honor.

I am reminded of some of the authors of The Constitution. Men like Thomas Jefferson and John Adams demonstrated great care and wisdom in framing a document unlike any other. They wrote a living, breathing document that would stand the test of time, debate and technology. A document that would declare to the world that man is born with certain unalienable rights given by God that included life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These men, among others, risked their lives and their reputations in declaring an idea that was both controversial and rebellious in the face of a mighty kingdom.

I can’t forget the boys in blue and grey that fought during The Civil War. I appreciate the boys in blue who fought with The Union Army. They fought to keep our nation as one and fought for the freedom of slaves, an idea that was very unpopular at the time. I also appreciate the boys in grey who fought with The Confederate Army. They fought to solidify the rights of states against an overarching federal government. More men and women fought in our civil war than any other. Brother fought against brother, father fought against son and best friends stood face to face on the front lines. Both sides fought for different sides of freedom and we should never forget the Hell they lived through. For them war wasn’t an event on a distant battlefield. It was in their back yards and in their homes.

I won’t forget men like Fredrick Douglas who fought for the rights of slaves. As a leader of the abolitionist movement he reminded us that the color of a man’s skin should not be the criteria in determining the quality of life they should live. He is known as one of the most successful former slaves of his time as he obtained a position as a diplomat and author, something un-heard of for an African American during the 1800’s. He fought the very essence of evil, slavery.

I am grateful to the men and women who stepped up to answer the call during World War II. Known as The Greatest Generation, these men and women learned what it was like to live without financial freedom. They suffered the effects of The Great Depression learning that living a life of lack is not what God intended. They learned how to ration and conserve and quickly became grateful for what little they had.

In the face of the worst economic crisis our nation had ever seen, an evil empire attacked our nation and thrust us head first into war all across the globe. Thanks to the men who volunteered to fight the Nazis and the Japanese. Thanks to the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy, the airmen who parachuted into Europe and the Marines who stormed island after island in fighting off the Empire of Japan. Thank you to the wives, mothers and grandmothers who left their homes to stand in assembly lines to put together tanks, planes and bombs. It was their effort that defeated an evil dictator who had killed over 6 million people and enslaved multiple nations of people. They stand as the greatest generation because freedom for all was their most important goal.

Thanks to men like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who believed that the war against slavery wasn’t over in the 1960’s. Thanks for fighting a war of peaceful demonstration to ensure that men and women of any color were free to live in the same buildings as whites and were free to drink from the same drinking fountains as the majority. Thanks for ensuring that the right to vote was not contingent upon a person’s physical makeup. I am grateful to him for paying the ultimate sacrifice in giving his life for the cause of freedom.

There are so many more to mention. The Korean Vets, the Vietnam Vets, the men in the trenches during World War I, President Truman, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, the first responders on 911 and the men and women who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and the women who fought for suffrage and other equal rights. I am reminded of and grateful for each and every one of them.

Finally, I am reminded of the work of Jesus. His was the ultimate sacrifice as He laid down His life for the freedom of all mankind previous, current and future. He not only laid down His life for a natural freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He laid down His life for a spiritual freedom against the greatest of all tyrants, sin. Without His redemptive work we would all be slaves, slaves to a life that is less than what He intended for us. I am reminded that Jesus laid down His life without ever firing a shot. He took upon Himself the sins of every man so that we could live a life of freedom on this earth and in the life to come. In His own words He came “to give us life and life in abundance” John 10:10.

The fight isn’t over. We have to fight it every single day. We must remember, we must remind others and we must spread the word of freedom all over the world. For those who see freedom as a distant destination it’s our job to help carry them there. Let’s spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, tribe and tongue and let’s teach the nations of the world that a nation of the people, by the people and for the people is worth fighting for.

Freedom isn’t free but I am grateful that people have been willing to pay the price. If necessary, I’ll pay it too.

Happy Independence Day. Don’t ever forget!

Season Update

June 24, 2012


I wanted to take a moment to share with our family and friends a few important updates on some seasonal changes that the McCarty’s are currently going through. God has been doing some exciting things for Mia and me and some of our friends have had some questions about the changes that have taken place. It’s always a good thing when people hear from the source and have the opportunity to hear the facts in an effort to curb any rumors.

The truth is that within the last few months a few things have changed and those changes are exciting ones for both Mia and me. Over the last year Mia and I have been launching our very own youth ministry. God had placed many things on my heart years ago after I graduated from RHEMA Bible Training Center and we are just now seeing some of those things come to pass. Last summer “2Tim2Two“, a ministry focused on ‘reaching youth and training youth leaders‘ was created. The ministry got its name from 2 Timothy 2:2 which is the verse that God called me to ministry with. It tells us to take what the Lord has taught us and to pass it on to other people who are faithful enough to pass it on to others. For our ministry those people are middle school and high school age students and the people who pastor and mentor them.

It’s been a lot of work. Launching the ministry has included many long hours, a LOT of writing, designing art for sermon outlines, writing worship music, writing sermons, writing a couple of books, designing a website, preparing messages for camps and retreats AND raising funds! All of this has been taking place while I have been an associate pastor at Valley Family Church and Mia has been working a full-time job. Throw in 6 credit hours of classes for me while I pursue my degree and you have a lot going on!

It’s also been a lot of fun! We have seen training material birthed. We have seen God give us songs, sermons and books. We have seen students saved, filled with the Spirit and even healed! We have made some divine connections with youth pastors, senior pastors and people just starting out in ministry. Most importantly, we have seen things happen that God has been stirring in our hearts for some time now.

As a result of this new venture I had a decision to make. For the past six years I have been on staff at Valley Family Church serving Pastors Jeff and Beth with everything I had to give. It has been an exciting few years with a lot of victories won and a lot of lessons learned. Ministry is hard work and it requires longer hours than normal and much focus and dedication. I made one of the hardest decisions of my life when I approached Pastors Jeff and Beth to let them know that I felt my season at VFC was coming to a close and as a result I recently transitioned off staff. I loved being able to serve as a pastor at my home church but felt that I had fulfilled what God called me to do there in serving the Lord, the congregation and my pastors. It was the right move and I am proud to say the transition was a healthy one. Pastors Jeff and Beth have been more than supportive and gracious during these changes and Mia and I couldn’t have asked for better shepherds during the whole thing.

While it was time to depart the staff at VFC we are not leaving it as our home church. Mia and I know that VFC is our home and we support the vision of that house and Pastors Jeff and Beth in helping people ‘Get It‘. We love how VFC balances reaching the lost and equipping the saved with the message of faith in a culturally relevant way. VFC is where you will still see us both on Sunday mornings loving, serving and giving. Mia will continue serving on the worship team as a keyboard player and vocalist and I have recently joined the security team. I am excited about joining such a great team of men who make it their mission to keep the congregation safe every weekend.

I am still called to ministry and so is Mia. There is no doubt that the training we have received at RHEMA Bible Training Center and EPIC School of Ministry happened for a reason. We have no doubt that the transitions that we have made have been ordered of the Lord and some season changes needed to take place.

While all of this is true, I am still a husband and someday will be a father. I have been trusting the Lord for provision and for employment that will pay the bills while establishing a schedule that is conducive to our new traveling ministry. It’s important the McCarty household still has two salaries, health insurance and something for us to put our hands to on a daily basis. As He always does, God came through and I was recently hired into the Department of Defense at the Battle Creek Federal Center. The schedule is exactly what Mia and I need in this season, and the pay and benefits will be more than enough for us as a family in the years to come. The agency that I will be working for will even help pay for a good amount of my college that I still have to complete. The job itself is something that will be rewarding as well. What we do is support the various branches of the military in defending our nation and supporting the war effort. I am excited to say that I will be starting my new job July 16th.

Mia will continue working for an orthopedic surgeon in Portage. The job has been such a blessing to us and Mia has been such a blessing to their office. She works for a couple of great doctors as she schedules surgeries and helps manage the medical equipment and assist the patients in orthotics fittings and stitches/staple removal. She is loving it and doing a tremendous job!

So that’s it in a nutshell. A recent job change for me. A new ministry for both of us.

There have already been a lot of questions about the new ministry we’ve launched. We encourage all of our family and friends to check out our website at There you will find what we are all about. We speak to youth groups as scheduled and work with youth pastors and leaders. One of the big things we are currently doing is providing FREE sermon outlines on our website so that people can get ideas on topics to cover with their youth groups and even have a nice starting point on many of the popular ones like dating, faith, temptation, witnessing etc. It’s a resource I always wanted to have access to when I was a youth leader and we trust it will be a blessing.

My main focus is scheduling speaking engagements, writing sermon outlines for the site, preparing messages for camps/retreats as they come up and I am in the middle of writing two books. One is a sort of playbook that will cover everything a youth pastor needs to be successful and the other is a book on teenage dating. Mia has been working on some worship music, writing  songs and designing art for the sermon outlines we provide.

We have been overwhelmed by the support of our friends and family and many of you have been asking how you can help.

First – We Could Use Your Prayers

Mia and I have been praying and trusting God for three things over the ministry. Growth, favor and support. We pray that the ministry will continue to grow so that we can reach a greater number of youth and their leaders/pastors on a daily basis. We trust that we will continue to be surrounded with favor like a shield as the Word promises us. Favor with senior pastors, youth pastors, web designers, advertisers, youth groups and more. And we continue to trust the Lord for support. We have already had some people invest in the ministry which has allowed us to purchase things like supplies for a summer camp we are doing in a few weeks, envelopes, letterhead, business cards, invest in an email marketing campaign, purchase many of Pastor Beth’s book “7 Basics” to get in the hands of the youth and do some re-designing of the website. We pray that the Lord will continue to bring in the funds necessary to do ministry.

Second – Follow Us

There is nothing like creating buzz and spreading the word. It would help us tremendously if you would ‘like’ us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and sign up for our monthly email updates. This will increase our profile with your friends and family and any contacts you have in youth ministry. You can like us on Facebook by clicking here. You can follow us on Twitter by clicking here. You can sign up for our monthly updates by clicking here.

Finally – Spread the Word

Tell your friends about what we are doing. The statistics concerning youth ministries are alarming. There are many youth that still need to be reached and a large number of youth pastors are quitting every month because they don’t have the tools and resources needed to fulfill the call. When you help us get the word out there the people who need to hear it are bound to and that it turn will help them!

Well, that’s it. It’s an exciting season and we can’t wait to see the fruit that is going to grow and remain as a result of it! We appreciate the support we have already received and are blessed by the training and experience we have gained over the past few years. Thanks again and we love you all!

Witnessing Re-Visted

March 18, 2012

Recently I saw a video that my Pastor showed in service about witnessing. I figured it would be your typical video about evangelism. But what I witnessed blew me away. The video comes from Penn Jillette of the comedy/magician duo of Penn and Teller. Penn is a devout atheist and a blog on my part could not do his video justice. Therefore I have decided to simply share the link with you. Enjoy and be challenged.

The Absolutes

January 12, 2012

I recently dusted off the cover of a book I purchased many years ago. The book is entitled “The Absolutes” by James Robinson. The idea behind the book is that there are foundational truths or ‘absolutes’ that our society possesses. The absolutes are not necessarily a code that a culture should live by. They are a list of truths. Truths, whether we agree with them or not. Truths, whether we believe in them or not. Regardless, these truths exist and they have an impact on humanity.

When we better understand each of these truths we can make adjustments individually and collectively to live the kind of lives that God intended. As I was reading through them the other night it reminded me of how vital these absolutes are particularly in light of some of the challenges our society faces today.

Take a look through each of these and feel free to comment on one or more of them. I would be interested to see which one stood out to you personally. If you haven’t read the book I would strongly encourage you purchase it.


Here is a link if you are interested: 

1. Evil is a horrible and present reality.

2. Ideas have consequences.

3. We are spiritual beings.

4. The majority is not always right.

5. Truth withstands debate.

6. People matter most.

7. Greed destroys.

8. Character counts.

9. Sex is a great gift that must be protected.

10. Strong families are the cornerstone of society.

11. Equality is not sameness.

12. If government doesn’t serve, it will enslave.

13. Religion can be dangerous, but repentance is redemptive.

14. Servanthood: the key to success and significance.

15. Love conquers all.

16. The absolutes have a source.



July 23, 2011

In 1 Samuel 17 we learn of a mighty man of God named David. It’s a familiar Bible story that we have all heard told many times before. In this story we are encouraged to find that a young man single handedly defeats a nine foot giant known only as Goliath.

There are many lessons to be learned through this story. We learn that anything is possible with God, our faith enables us to defeat the giants in our lives, and God is able to use us no matter what we look like on the outside and that our age certainly isn’t a deal breaker for the Him.

A few weeks ago I was studying and preparing a message I was going to deliver to the youth of our church at our spring conference. The message the Lord had laid on my heart was about decisions. The theme demonstrated that decisions determine many things in our lives. Each of us tends to over spiritualize things from time to time and we forget that much of what we do with and through God deals simply with decisions.

As I was studying the Lord took me to this familiar story in the Bible. What I discovered completely blew me away. The New Living Translation of 1 Samuel 17:17-20 states:

17 One day Jesse said to David, “Take this basket of roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread, and carry them quickly to your brothers. 18 And give these ten cuts of cheese to their captain. See how your brothers are getting along, and bring back a report on how they are doing.” 19 David’s brothers were with Saul and the Israelite army at the valley of Elah, fighting against the Philistines.

20 So David left the sheep with another shepherd and set out early the next morning with the gifts, as Jesse had directed him. He arrived at the camp just as the Israelite army was leaving for the battlefield with shouts and battle cries.

David made a decision that morning. He decided to obey his father Jesse. He decided to wake up early in the morning. He didn’t decide to do his own thing and sleep in a little bit because it was a weekend. He didn’t decide to play video games instead or argue with his dad that one of his brothers should do it. David made a decision….and it was the right one.

Think about it just for a minute. If David had never made that decision he would have never been in place to defeat Goliath. It was David’s decision that led him to the battlefield that day. It was David’s decision that propelled him to the pages of 1 Samuel 17. It was David’s decision that ultimately led him to the throne as King. It was David’s decision that positioned him as “a man after God’s own heart”.

Life is full of decisions. Some are big and some are small. We have to make decisions every single day. The truth is that some decisions yield positive results and some yield negative consequences. The choice however is ours to make and no one else can make decisions for us. My question for you today is what kind of decisions are you making?

The Lord has a lot to say about decisions. Deuteronomy 30:19 says:

19 “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!

There is always a choice, a decision before us. Whether it’s to study for the test or to blow it off. If it’s to work just as hard when the boss is not looking as when he is. Perhaps the decision facing you today is one of multiple colleges you could choose to attend. Do I marry this woman or not? Is this the right place to invest my money?

Decisions determine our destiny, destination and desires in life. We are a product of the decisions we have made. Only we can make decisions for ourselves, there is no “Magic 8 Ball” in life. Our friends, our circumstances and our emotions cannot decide for us. Today and every day the Lord has put before us life and death, what will you decide?

The only sure fire way to make the right decisions in life is to follow the Lord. You and I will make mistakes along the way, but if we follow Him, we are promised life, blessings and abundant living. The decisions we make will determine what we do for a living, how we serve the Lord, who we marry and where we live. But as long as we seek Him first and follow His voice, we have nothing to fear.

Do you want to live the best life you can? Do you want to be used by the Lord? Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to accomplish great things so that Jesus will be seen in you and through you among your friends, family and co-workers? Then you have to make some decisions.

So if we don’t use our friends, circumstances or emotions to help us make our decisions, then what guides us? The answer is pretty simple and it includes two things, His Word and His Spirit.

Psalm 119 tells us that the Bible is a lamp for our feet and light for our path. When we make decisions based on the Word of God we have a clear road ahead of us. In John 14 Jesus tells us that His Spirit will show us future things to come and will guide us on our way. When we make decisions based on the voice of the Holy Spirit we will know His will and purpose for our lives and we will live it out every day!

Remember that it starts small. Decide not to get bitter. Decide to forgive. Decide to tithe, serve and pray for your local church. Decide to be someone who votes in November. Decide to speak words of life. Decide to work harder then those around you. Decide to read the Word every day. Decide to seek His Kingdom first. Decide to make Jesus your first resort not your last.

Decide not to go to that website.

Decide not to look at that woman.

Decide not to gossip about people.

Decide not to hang out with those people anymore.

Decide to pray.

What kinds of decisions are you making? Life is full of them and they determine your destiny, your destination and your desires. Decide today to wake up early, head out to the battlefield and slay that giant. Once you do, you too will be known as a man or woman after God’s own heart.

A Lasting Event

January 16, 2010

Tonight I am sitting home alone on a Friday night. Like most people, sitting home alone on a Friday night gives you time to reflect on life. As I sit here on the couch I scroll through a few thoughts about going back to school and improving the ministry the Lord has placed in my care.

But as I reflect on these arenas of my life one haunts me above all the others in a positive way. It’s been seven months since I left a two week mission trip in Zambia Africa. To say that this moment in my life was life changing would be a gross understatement. Many nights I close my eyes to go to bed and the faces of the 17 boys my ministry partner Ken and I spent time with appear to me. I see their smiling faces, I smell the ruggedness of their existence and I hear the laughter of each of them as clearly as I did when I was there with them in Chongwe Village.

The trip that I took there will always be a lasting event in my life. There is something about a mission trip that changes your perspective. Much like a soldier has been changed by Saigon, Normandy, or Baghdad I have been changed by Chongwe. For the solider theirs was a physical battle against, governments, dictators or terrorism. For me the battle was against sin and the very powers of Hell.

When you take a mission trip you get to provide something to a hurting group of people that no agency on earth can sell or donate. What I was able to share with those boys for two weeks in July was the love of Jesus Christ and truth of the Gospel. In Zambia adults die before their 39th birthday, children are left orphaned and disease is as common as a McDonald’s in Michigan.

Despite the horrors that those 17 boys face on a daily basis, the truth that Jesus Christ loves them, that I loved them enough to come visit them, made all the difference in the world in their young lives. The fact that I was willing to hug them when others wouldn’t touch them for fear of HIV impacted them for eternity. The reality that by making Jesus their Lord and Savior promised them eternal life in heaven and a better life on earth is the greatest gift I could give them.

A mission trip is a lasting event not because of what the boys received. It’s a lasting event because of what I received. Despite the life that those young Zambian children live, they are the most gracious, humble, and grateful people I have ever met. In the face of need, lack, poverty and sickness you hear laughter and you see smiles. That is something I will take with me into eternity.

If you have never had a chance to go to another country, one that is in need, one that is less fortunate then ours, I encourage you to do so. It will leave a mark on your life that will cause you to share what you experienced with others just as I am on this Friday night.

I’m praying for you boys and as Ken and I promised, we will NEVER forget you.

The President – WWJD

December 24, 2009

Christians and politics…it’s always a hot topic. Most Americans today find themselves on one extreme side of politics within this polarized political landscape. There are two choices of course: Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative. For Christians the choice can be even more difficult.

It’s no secret that the majority of evangelical Christians today lean toward the side of voting conservative and therefore support Republican candidates more than Democratic ones. What we find is that as long as Republican holds a political position the church is very supportive. Prayer meetings are held and Pastors encourage their congregation to pray for the President.

However when a Democrat holds an office the outlook tends to be much different. Sometimes, not always, but sometimes the communication concerning a Democratic or Liberal President can be very negative in the Christian community. I recall as a a high school student when former President Bill Clinton had been involved in an extra-marital affair that many Christians spoke very unkind and un-Christian things about him. Instead of praying for him and honoring the office of the President they would bash him and say very harsh things about him.

What the President did was wrong. That should be made clear. And consequences should come as a result of those decisions and the church should not support that kind of behavior. However, the church still has a responsibility.

Today we find ourselves in a similar situation. With a newly elected Democratic President who’s policies do not reflect those of the Christian community comes more negative talk. Recently on facebook I have seen things on Christian’s pages such as “The Countdown to Judgment”, “How many Days Until Obama is Gone”, and “Reasons Obama is the Anti-Christ”. These sorts of things disturb me. As a Pastor I want to make one thing very clear: This kind of communication may be political, BUT IT IS NOT CHRISTIAN. While we may have the right to practice free speech and free ideas, we are to still let the Word of God govern our lives.

I listened to a teaching a few years back on praying for our President. Of all the things that were taught in that message one thing stuck out the most to me. This particular Bible teacher posed this question: “how big is God to you?” “Is He big enough to move in America when a certain political party is in power?” “Is he limited when certain political parties are in office?”

That struck me. Is my God so small that when a particular political party within the USA is elected by it’s citizens that He is unable to move? Does it mean there is no hope for our nation when there are leaders in place that have agendas that are contrary to the Word of God? The answer is no. The reason is PRAYER.

I want to urge each of you that call Jesus Christ your savior to change your thinking. You and I may not agree with every piece of legislation that comes through Washington. We may not like every politician and we may even have some that live immoral lives. This is not any different then the Biblical past.

I want to remind you that God, GOD directed the His people to pray for kings in the Old Testament that were both immoral and evil. Men that had innocent people killed and Kings that worshiped idols. God NEVER once told His people to bad mouth them and disrespect the office that they hold.

In fact I recall from the scriptures where David refused to touched God’s anointed, King Saul who was a maniac Hell bent on a killing spree. Why did David do make that choice? He had to respect the OFFICE and the AUTHORITY of the position. He didn’t necessarily have to respect the person.

I encourage all of us as believers to PRAY for our President. The Bible tells us “…first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. 2 Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. 3 This is good and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.” 2 Timothy 2:1-4 NLT.

The Lord wants us praying for them ESPECIALLY when we feel they are living immorally and passing legislation that is un-Godly. Do not bash the President no matter how much you disagree with him. We honor the office, not necessarily the person. Our friends, family, children, co-workers and neighbors are watching us. They want to see that inside each of us burns something different than what the world has to offer.

When they see that though we may not agree with the President, we still still pray for him, it will impact their lives in a greater way then any words we could ever speak to them. Our children our watching us. If we call him “Obama” instead of President Obama then they will to. If we say he is the anti-Christ then so will they. If we don’t pray for President Obama, then neither will they. There is power in prayer. If we neglect to pray for the President, no… if we REFUSE to pray for the President, then we are part of the problem.

Honor the office. Respect ALL authority and make tremendous power available in praying for our President. (James 5:17) Whether he or she is a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, it’s our job to lift them up in prayer and watch God move in our nation.

I prayed for President Bush many times while he was in office. But I remember the night President Obama won the election. My political views wanted to get the best of me. But instead, I let the Holy Spirit get the best of me and I got down on my knees and I prayed for the President like I never had before. It was one of the most rewarding feelings of my life. Beyond that it was just the right thing to do. I encourage all of us to do the same. Not out of response to this post or because someone made us feel guilty, but because God commands us to.

That’s all.

“The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he guides it wherever he pleases.” Proverbs 21:1 NLT.

12 Things Every Christian Should Know

December 23, 2009

12 Things Every Christian Should Know
Prepared by Matt McCarty for Next Level 2009

1. When you think you’ve arrived, think again.

1 Corinthians 8:2 “Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn’t really know very much.” NLT

-If you find yourself saying, “I’ve heard this before”, then it means you need to hear it again.
-Never get to the point in life where you think you know it all.
-The scriptures say that even Jesus GREW in wisdom and stature, even he was learning.
-When you realize you have a lot to learn and you humble yourself, that is when God says He can use you.
-He has no desire to use anyone that thinks they are so wise that they don’t even need Him.

2. If they crucified Christ, they’ll crucify you.

1 Thessalonians 2:6 “As for human praise we never sought it from you or anyone else.” NLT

-Brian Houston once said, “You are never as good as your fans say you are but you are never as bad as your critics say you are.”
-Don’t focus on what people think about you because their minds will change.
-Don’t seek the praises of men because you are not accountable to them but to God alone.
-The same people that were cheering and praising Jesus when He entered town screamed “Crucify Him” mere hours later.
-If they were willing to do that to Jesus who was perfect then they are willing to do that to you.

3. Never lose your sense of humor.

Nehemiah 8:10 “And Nehemiah continued, ‘Go and celebrate with a fest of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!” NLT

-Life is going to throw you some curve balls and some hard times.
-God never promised us a perfect, pain free life.
-Keep your sense of humor even when the going gets tough.
-Learn to laugh and smile even in the face of adversity.
-The strength to push forward and the strength to succeed lies within the joy of the Lord.

4. Listen more than you talk.

James 1:19 “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” NLT

-Don’t be so quick to give your opinion or point of view.
-Don’t think you are the only one who needs to be heard and NEVER think your point of view is more important than anyone else’s.
-God gave us two ears and one mouth. He was trying to illustrate the importance of listening.
-We all have much to learn and learning comes by listening not speaking.
-If you think you have nothing left to learn then please review point number one.

5. Living for the moment is a bunch of junk.

2 Timothy 4:8 “And now the prize awaits me-the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on the day of His return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to His appearing.” NLT

-The world and the enemy want you to think that Carpe Diem is the way of life.
-The mantra is to live every moment as if it were your last even if it means compromising your beliefs or acting foolishly.
-Enjoy every moment but live for tomorrow.
-Wise people plan and strategize.
-Paul set the goal to obtain the prize that Christ had for him. We should do the same.
-Those who live for the moment are left in debt, divorced, hung-over and embarrassed.

6. Use your faith for others.

-Very simply put, don’t focus your faith on what YOU want or need.
-Use your faith as Jesus did.
-Use your faith to believe the captives set free, the sick healed and broken made whole.
-Use your faith for your family, your church, and your community.

7. Never compromise.

Galatians 6:9 “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” NLT

-The grass is NOT greener on the other side.
-Don’t give up on doing good because those that don’t still seem to get blessed.
-You don’t know what goes on in the private lives of those who don’t follow God’s plan and you DO KNOW the result of such a life.
-God’s promises always come through even though they may not come through when you think they should.
-Pay day may not come today, it may not come tomorrow, but it WILL come.
-Don’t compromise by giving up and don’t compromise because of what others may say or think.

8. Debates are for politicians.

Titus 3:9 “But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.” NIV

-You may never win someone to Christ by arguing with them.
-It is the LOVE of God that draws people to Him, not your ability to win an argument.
-God doesn’t need you to defend Him so don’t feel it necessary to do so.
-Debating with people about Christianity leads to anger, bitterness and a waste of time.
-Let His love and your life be the example.

9. Don’t underestimate the power of forgiveness.

Mark 11:25 “But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins too.” NLT

-Unforgiveness never hurts the other person.
-It’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
-It will ruin your attitude and it will prevent you from receiving the promises of God.
-When you refuse to forgive you are saying that what another person has done to you is far worse than anything you have ever done to Jesus.
-When you won’t forgive you are saying that what another person has done to you is so bad that even Jesus dying on the cross couldn’t cover it.
-Let go.

10. Don’t forget what it’s all about.

Mark 16:15-18 “And then He told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.

These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in My name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”

-It’s not about programs or events.
-It’s not about buildings.
-It’s not about the speaker or the ministry.
-It’s not about church attendance.
-It’s about life change and eternity…never forget that.

11. Your actions speak louder than your words.

1 Peter 2:13-20 “For the Lord’s sake, respect all human authority—whether the king as head of state, or the officials he has appointed. For the king has sent them to punish those who do wrong and to honor those who do right.

It is God’s will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you. For you are free, yet you are God’s slaves, so don’t use your freedom as an excuse to do evil. Respect everyone, and love your Christian brothers and sisters. Fear God, and respect the king.

You who are slaves must accept the authority of your masters with all respect. Do what they tell you—not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they are cruel. For God is pleased with you when you do what you know is right and patiently endure unfair treatment. Of course, you get no credit for being patient if you are beaten for doing wrong. But if you suffer for doing good and endure it patiently, God is pleased with you.”

-No one cares about what you say, they care about what you do.
-Don’t be a Sunday morning Christian where you say one thing at church but do something different on Friday night.
-People are watching you. They want something that is real. Show them how real Jesus is.
-What a person does screams so loudly that you won’t even be able to hear what they are saying.
-Your life and how you live it will either draw people to Jesus or push them away.

12. Quit complaining.

Philippians 2:14 “Do everything without complaining and arguing.”

-Like Nike says, Just do it.
-Stop the huffing and puffing and eye rolling.
-The last group of people that murmured were the Israelites and they ended up on a 40 year journey that should have taken a few days.
-Complaining and arguing brings strife and every sort of evil.
-Do everything with a joyful and respectful heart.
-If you can’t figure out why this one is important, please review number eleven.